Friday, April 11, 2014

Oaks From Acorns

I have recently been reminded of an old adage shared by my grandparents at a time seemingly long ago: “Great Oaks from little acorns rise”. This most recent renewal of what is surely a tested truism began a week ago following my “recruitment” by my wife to “assist” her preparation of slides for a pending conference where she is to present material related to her interest in and continuing involvement with cardiovascular wellness.  I retain, in her eyes, the position of “family technology guru” and “for better or worse” I guess I will always be that person to be called upon when anything of an Information Technology issue arises.  I am sure there are worse fates in life. Anyway, I am beginning to digress and I haven’t really gotten to my main point which is that, for those of you who thought about doing something and started and stopped and started again and, then stopped again, it’s not too late to get back up and start one more time, again. For, if your don’t stop and you keep going like my newly found friend, Betty C. Jung [] I am sure that, from your efforts will come achievement greater than you can now imagine.

As I scanned webpage after webpage looking for suitable material to be used within the presentations my wife would make, I chanced across Betty’s website and was immediately drawn in by its depth and breadth of coverage of the health care and wellness issues for which it was created.  This resulted in an exchange of emails required for the seeking and receiving of permissions related to the potential use of some of the material to be incorporated into slides and grew into an email discussion related to etiology, methods and objectives for website/blog creation and maintenance. What impressed me was the entire website/blog was designed by, created by, updated and maintained by one person!  If you have any interest in things of a personal medical nature and have never visited her site, it would be well worth the investment of a few minutes to check the site out at  

Why am I telling you all of this? We all have talents and we all have only so much time in which to use those talents to our good and the good of the commonweal.  There are times that we come to self-opinion that our talents are not so great but we must never forget what Betty C. Jung has shown to those who visit her site that the old adage is still true: “Great Oaks from little acorns rise”.  So, with the talent and time that you have been given, go make an Oak!