Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wow! What a celebration of America's 233rd "Birthday" yesterday, the 4th of July. For the third year in a row, our family was priviledged to be in Boston, Massachusetts for the festivities and the fireworks. This year, the weather cooperated. Neil Diamond sang "They're Coming to America" and, that was the understatement of the year. Statistics show that the wave of immigration into America within the last 15 years will go down as one of the all time great surges in immigration; adding an immigrant population larger than that of the migration from southern and central Europe that took place at the end of the 1800s and beginning of the 1900s. Some of the larger cities, such as New York, have as much as 20% of their current population as recently immigrated. As with past increases in immigration this creates great change in America and change begets stress. Some have ventered the statement that this is not good for America but I believe that this stress is a vital part of what makes America ever strong. So, Happy Birthday America! May you always have an open door for those "...tired and huddled masses yearning to breath free".

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