Friday, July 12, 2013

Bring Back the Past to Fuel the Future

I share no really dramatic comment today - just a renewed commitment to more faithfully communicate the thoughts and opinions on where we’ve been, where we are at present and where we are headed based upon current patterns and trends.
To paraphrase a monologue by Anthony Hopkins, from the movie Amistad, in his role as John Q. Adams: “[I]… have come to understand and to embrace the understanding that who we are is who we were.”  With the rearing I had and my love of History and Philosophy, it should not have taken me so long to reach such an obvious conclusion.  But as Bobby Burns once said: "...the best laid schemes of mice and men, oft go astray..." and it seems as though, from the lyrics of an old Beatles's song, I have managed to follow a "...long and winding road" for a bit further than anticipated.
I have long been a believer that all experience whether positive or negative can lead to the greater good and growth of the individual and so it must be in this case.  The move of our family in 2012 that required the loss of my teaching position left me pretty much emotionally and intellectually adrift as I  contemplated the how, when and where of "next career". Although demands of establishing the new residence and following through on extended family obligations has kept me busy, for the most part, there has been a feeling of "tasks left unfinished".
One of those aforementioned "tasks left unfinished" is the regular posting to my "Hayman's History Blog" and my absence was surely not without any national or international areas to comment on.  The past year has brought significant challenges to personal liberty, national sovereignty and international stability.  Additionally, there have been cultural, economic, technological, religious/philosophical and environmental forces that added significantly to the stress level of most peoples of these United States of America and of the greater world.  So, beginning today, I hope to have daily postings on the issues of most importance to me and I hope to you too. Feel free to share your comments and, together, perhaps we can make a positive difference to make America and the greater world better for all of us and our progeny.

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