It has been quite awhile since my last postings. This has not been without purpose for it is one thing to understand the mechanics of something and quite something else to attain understanding, appreciation and proper utilization. So, for the better part of the last year, I have been "exercising with" (for lack of a better expression) various social media platforms to ascertain just what messages in what formats are best utilized to clearly communicate to what audience.
I must admit that the pantheon of social media platforms has been very active throughout all of 2017 and 2018 and whether established pattern or emerging trend there has been a virtual Sturm und Drang of information (real or fake) and opinion.
We are within the first 50 years of the Modern Digital-era Renaissance (my term) that is defined by the nano-particularization of information, high-speed digital communication and the "internet of things". With respects to Alvin Tofler, we are truly in the Future Shock of the "Fourth Wave" and the rules and regulations, the governmental systems, the social and philosophical norms, the economic standards and rules for engagement in conflict and war are all under tremendous stress.
It is my hope, through this blog to bring some clarity to the reader's Weltanschauung via thoughtful commentary and integration of the postings from various social media. Hopefully, the result will be both stimulating and enlightening for the author as well as the reader.
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